Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win

can we vote blizer pls

if they aren’t human i’ll commit eternal shame and exile

Don’t ninja. You probably slipped

Absolutely not

I’m convinced of something and we don’t lynch max or blizer

what slip, can i not fix typos smh

and i’m already pretty much confirmed town

Tbh I want to wait for a while and see more interaction.

But for now, it is Blizer.

When I ask why didn’t he gave a defense against Maxi’s accusation, he said:

It doesn’t look like town!Blizer.

Oh and he joined the wagon right after that.

@Alice tell me if you read blizer ISO

I’m convinced of something right now

that would be?

That they are Town and we are having our first T V T

Just don’t change things other than minor typos.

I did. Thing is there isn’t much hard content on his posts for me to analyze. He’s been interacting almost solely with Bin the entire match and while his lack of progression on Ici was bad, I’m split on whether this is a TvT or TvS.

Alice look deeper

There’s a connection between blizer and max and it’s a. T V T

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Fk, you scare me sometimes with how you can make these connections.

I’m very under estimated :slight_smile:

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What have Eevee do-done to you?

He passed his teachings to FK.

Why do you think he deepcats so well?

Eh, could you clarify the read on Bliz? I get Maxi, but I can’t see the same from Blizer’s ISO.

If you understand blizer you understand max.

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