Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win

Merc said that before fake quote

Why is thinking bad?

@Kirefitten Im kinda surprised Alice didnt pick it up yet in my ISO. Its a little concerning ngl.

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Vote Count:

Voted Voters Count
Max Squid 1/13
Ici Rag 1/13
Blizer Max 1/13
Insanity Alice Luxy Blizer Firekitten 4/13
Luxy Sam Bin 4/13
Sam Geyde 1/13
Squid Merc Hjaisk 2/13
Isaac Math Isaac 2/13

Something something bin is unlynchable today

Actually doing this is hard and trying to focus on the game at the same time

You are missing my vote? :frowning:

It’s next to Isaac

I can’t pick it up.

Is it because my IQ is too low…?


Nevermind I can’t has read

Idk, is it?

Idk, haven’t done an IQ test yet.

It’s okay I am already here anyhow.

Power to the Replacements!


He claimed day vig but not tailor

He changed the quote up mate

Well, but Merc somehow interpret that as he claimed tailor.

Because tailor=dayvig

yea duh

Thinking isnt bad but changing what someone said is

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No u.

No Mommy, i said that isaac says that alice is greenskin tailor outta nowhere with no reasoning, only that he knows it and then voted her. and that is sus af to me cause he didnt even explained till now why he knows this/thinks this