Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win

No other town reads frewn?

You’re not RoM, this I know.

I have town leans aswell, but i feel those will change as the game goes on.

any info?

Yes we know you’re scum

good catch lmaomalamoaalmla

Scared to out your faction?


well idk who anyone is so

I don’t wanna out my self

Pro Tip: Don’ trust Max when he asks you to out D1

Also I’ve read way too much

You just confirmed he is scum

Who is what

Give me five numbers 1-100 2 which will be disregarded.

next level reading strat here

What is your read on Ici and why?


@blizer not kidding :eyes:

obligatory lolreactiontests

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ok chaos

Jk, I don’t think you’re chaos but probably not town… elf/dwarf? Also why wouldn’t you trust me I’m always trustworthy except when i’m not Livicus

stop outting elves/dwarves please