Try again. Pillbug will have 10 if you include the lottery ticket, but if not, 9
Don’t kill him.
Kill the Dragon plis.
OK, seems legit
Hey, dont worry broski’s
going to lie low now, use up my gifts
You wont have to worry about me no more
9 gifts!!! Adfsgsgsdhdhgsgshsffagshggfahsjdjhfgdgd
It would be unreasonable to let you live.
Wow um… Okay. Usually I’d be against stuff like that but I agree. If you have 9 gifts, you gotta go
I totally see the Pillibug being intimidated tomorrow
what the crap guys
ok, fine, none of you would appreciate my bloody 5 plate switches anyway, you uncaring nincompoops
greater than :[
/no switch
/Switch with Pillbug
Gahd dammit
/Noswitch again
/switch with the elk
(Will be sorted out more later.
However, Pillbug has +2 denies and +2 reserves)
/switch with Damafaud
/No switch
/Switch with Robin
/switch with Phoenix
/switch with Penguin