Behind the Masks 2: The Canned Castle

Did the Bob lose a challenge? Couldn’t we just vote them?

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/Vote Rooster

I’m honestly too lazy to catch up so I’ll doot my way through this game.
/Vote Rooster

/Vote Rooster

/vote R00ster

/Vote Bob the scumbag AKA Rooster

Looking at everyone’s flag made me realize I literally know like 6 worlds flags lol


How does one flag?

I already tagged him :stuck_out_tongue: Thanks though <3

Well atleast I earned some badges so still worth it :smiley:

Did I did it?

Yes, I can see 'Murica right there.

Wait, Bob got banned? Why?

Ah, well.
/vote Rooster

Cheating? Multiple accounts? Who were the other accounts?

Look, he was multiaccounting on here and in the Discord server too.
You can see the 2 accounts in the FoL 5 thread that he had on here, however, there is no need.
He got what was coming :expressionless:

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Well, we might as well tell his ToS identity, right? I knew it since near the very beginning of this game. And I know his role. We had a sorta-alliance.

Though you can just check DeathStalkers discord name.

Bob was indeed Andilin1.
Aka the extremely inactive person who literally joined their first ever BtM game, obviously didn’t pay attention to the rules and didn’t do anything that game. Has since done decently. Although he might just be extremely unlucky or he’s just not able to get too far.

It’s a shame he got banned, but, if he’s going to mess around and have multiple accounts and even admit to having an alt in the server, while making it obvious in a FoL game, all I can say is more for him. He had plenty of time to admit it in and have his punishment lowered, but he obviously chose otherwise.