Behind the Masks 2: The Canned Castle

No, you cannot do that, you can only decide a dance or duel and challenge one player. However, a player can have multiple challenges


/Dance with Meerkat

Also, /accept my good Kitsune. Let’s see how the demon fox fares against one of it’s kind (the canine bit, not the demon bit)

What will it be?

Since The Sparrow accepted me

/remove challenge against The Phoenix
/Accept The Sparrow’s Dance


/deul the MeerKat

Well, you have been challenged and accepted it. But, you accepting the challenge, doesn’t mean that you have done your own challenge. You still need to challenge some one. Or alternativly, you could no challenge

Bruh, I just challenged Sparrow for Duel which I decided to pick over Phoenix’s dance AND I accepted The Sparrow’s dance challenge.

Yeah, you just accepted, not challenge sparrow properly though…

Read again, please.

Again. You just accepted and removed the challenge to Phoenix.

Doesn’t mean that you officially challenged sparrow with the /duel/dance insert mask here

That doesn’t mean I have removed The Sparrow’s Duel and The Sparrow accepted my challenge


Then I apologise my good sir! Perhaps it’s time for me to get some glasses or even book an optician appointment

Why, thank you for understandin–oops I seem to ignore the challenger over here, well…

/Accept The Gorilla’s Duel challenge

/Dance with the Dragon

As usual…

Anyone wanna make an alliance?

I will make an alliance to the first person who whispers me my ToS user. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Also /dance w/ le Pheenix (Phoenix)

EDIT: dance with the FeeNicks


/challenge Gorilla to a duel.

/dance the Gorilla

Bandwagon him