Behind the Masks 3: Royal Returns (Game End)


I forgot to submit guesss
Honestly I thought I had

Challenge the Eagle to a duel.
@PokemonKidRyan don’t forget to update the OP with Seth’s death.

I wanted to guess Surge as Barbarian, but he got himself immunity for that.
So I simply chose RNG.

Things are a little higher stakes now, it would be neat if people… y’know, talked.


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Why yell when a few whispers accomplish the same effect?

Busy, nerd.

Are people doing consipiracies/alliances things now?


Whew I said to talk any everyone yelled at me
That hurts my feelings

I mean it’d be a bit cooler if we actually played this game

I’m not really playing to win, and I’m not in any private chat except Hippo’s one, and I don’t have much to talk about.

Yeah, pretty sure.

I also did that stuff heavily in Neutral showdown, lost quickly, think it’s pointless.

Huh. I think it’d be pretty fun, even if you lost.

To me felt a bit like I was wasting energy.

these things you can just get randokilled in so i’m low efforting

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I’m not playing to win either, I already told someone I’m going to help them win.

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Are you not in the alliance chat?