/Deny app and Light
/Dance app
/Deny app and Light
/Dance app
Sorry dude, you are too late.
Despite the fact I was apparently delaying it for you.
App challenged me late though
At 9:08 Apprentice made the challenge.
To make it fair, I would allow an hour.
This means that phase was extended until 10:08
You missed it by literally a minute.
If I allow you to have this then I am being biased or some sort of Jane excuse so nah
Also rip Ami being challenged late too
Fair enough, I forfeit my right to challenge as I was beyond the phase endtime.
But an hour is way too short to react to a new challenge
I could have made it longer but I did not know what to do so I made a snap decision of an hour.
At least 6 should be a min.
But yeah, no new challenges after the published end time is fine
So this should be allowed.
You sent them in the same message at 10 09 which I already said was late by a minute.
And if I did allow that then I would have to extend the timer for Apprentice too, do not forget.
1 hour is not enough time for people with lives
And like I said, my challenge on app is invalid
Marshal will duel with Moleland
Mist will duel with Light
Light will duel with Moleland
Jane will duel with Ami
Apprentice will duel with Moleland
Marshal denied Ami’s dance
Moleland default nochallenges and accepts
Ami default accepts
When I host BtM 4, I was state a time which the challenge phase will be extended for late challenges but in turn I will likely reduce the normal length to 48h or less.
/Skip Action Phase
Will have at most 3 gift Reserves.
Will have at most 3 Gift Reserves
Will have 2 Gift Reserves + Premium Food + Guess Immunity
Will probably redeem Guess Immunity again.
Will have at most 2 Gift reserves.
Will have at most 3 Gift Reserves.
Poor Ami.
/skip action
/skip action
/skip action
I might be willing to not take Premium Food, hope Mist doesn’t either, switch, and then redeem it, but it’s a huge risk.