Behind the Masks 3: Royal Returns (Game End)

/challenge PK to duel @EliThePsycho

Oi, Mole, want to dance with me?

Who knows :thinking:

I’m not going to waste a challenge in the event you’re going to decline.

Nobody declines first challenge phase

Alright. I’ll challenge you exactly 21 hours from now.

Ryan didn’t do mass pingus so I’ll do it.




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/challenge The Kiwi (Jane) for a dance


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You shouldn’t worry about this, really. Challenge Phase lasts 72 hours unless everyone has challenged/nochallenged and accepted/denied all their challenges.

I accept for I am no coward.

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Yeah best thing about this game is how slow and chill it is tbh

Btw zone why u leave the alliance

Aye. If everyone were to be inactive, then one cycle would last a whole week.

I really, really don’t like groups bigger than four~five people.

Plus, it seems to me that I won’t be able to get any (reliable) info from that group.

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I just woke up

gimme a second to rng my stuff

What is up gamers