Behind the Masks 3: Royal Returns (Game End)

Very well. Take your time.

I literally just copy pasted the op so it is general rules lol.
Could easily have changed it to 48h but sometimes I know emergencies come up so having it longer as a JIC seems fair.

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/challenge the Kiwi to a dance

When in doubt, just slam the first poster.

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That was… fast.
Maybe you should have the Schrodinger’s Lurker title instead

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so surge has to respond and gorta has to challenge right?

challenge me daddy

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Challenger Challenged Type Status
Moleland ( 1 ) Hippyeetus Duel Accepted
astand ( 1 ) PsychoKang Duel Accepted
Insanity ( 2 ) Wazza Duel Accepted
Surge ( 1 ) Marshal Duel Accepted
Mist1422 ( 1 ) Surge Duel Pending…
Hippoyeetus( 3 ) Apprentice Duel Accepted
Zone_Q11( 3 ) Jane Dance Accepted
Apprentice( 2 ) Insanity Dance Accepted
Wazza( 2 ) Zone_Q11 Dance Accepted
Marshal( 2 ) an_gorta_pratai Dance Pending…
Trochilidae ( 1 ) PsychoKang Dance Accepted
Ami ( 1 ) Hippoyeetus Dance Accepted
PsychoKang ( 3 ) Zone_Q11 Dance Accepted
Light ( 1 ) Jane Dance Accepted

People who have yet to challenge:

  • an_gorta_pratai
  • Jane (Reserved)

People who have yet to respond to challenges:

  • Surge
  • an_gorta_pratai



What do the numbers mean?


Probably how many challenges they’re in

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…wait, why is there a 02 as well at the top left one?


love how i’ve had 3 challenges

I love how I’ve had none

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Someone challenge mole poor soul.

I’m a poet and I didnt even know it.

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You’re about to get a special introduction to the Dead Poet Society, Hippo :smiling_imp: