Behind the Masks 3: Royal Returns (Game End)

One gains more with silence instead of yelling

philosiphy in a nutshell
also are you even in the game xd

k nvm

I already sent my shot at you, no worries

I haven’t been to this site since before the plague and I log on to find out that I missed the game I was waiting for by two friggin’ days.


You can still back up, :slight_smile:

Oi, long time no see gingerbeard :^)

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/ backup then.

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chances are someone’ll replace out

new phone who dis

He who sees not the simplest has no hope of going up the river~

Who dis? Who Dis?!

Only the victor of the first minority rule!

Only the second person ever to buy a key to the throne of lies!

Only the host and grand architect of the players and puppets and Church Vs. Coven games, which I can only assume are consistently favorites of the community, rather than gathering digital dust in the distant forum archives!

Don’t they teach kids forum history these days?

…“who dis”…

Get off my lawn, whippersnapper!


no, they don’t

they are gathering digital dust in the distant forum archives


who dis

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Do you stuff and collect your gifts if you haven’t already

Use your abilities and collect your gifts if you haven’t already


Use your abilities and collect your gifts if you haven’t already

you are the only gift I need :flushed:

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I really hope the man arms guy or like, whatever its called ( i can’t remember name) doesn’t shoot me

would suck to die super early

Sounds kinda homoshrekshual to me
Besides, I’m already Wazza’s gift