/vote Zone_Q11
Accused | Voters | Number |
Zone | Jane, PsychoKang | 2 |
Mist | Wazza | 1 |
astand | Hippo | 1 |
PsychoKang | Moleland | 1 |
I would be thinking about things more if there was a team here, but I think I want to vote astand, due to them having tons of gifts
I don’t think this is a team based game
the alliance of everyone
also can we get a vote count?
It’s literally right here, Gorta.
/vote light
…well, I will definitely self-pres, so:
/vote PsychoKang
/vote light
Voted | Voters | Votes |
Mist1422 | Wazza | 1 |
Zone | Jane, PsychoKang | 2 |
PsychoKang | Moleland, Zone_Q11 | 2 |
Light | Ami, Hippoyeetus | 2 |
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Should be 2.
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Yeah, mb. Fixed.
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Things seem fairly calm here.
JIC some of you do not realise it, you can redeem your gifts.
I did not think to mention this beforehand.
/vote PsychoKang
/vote PsychoKang
/vote PsychoKang
That totally wasn’t coordinated, right?
I don’t think so.