Behind the Masks 3: Royal Returns (Game End)

Process game drunk or looser



Guess we’ll be waiting another 3-ish hours.

Dinner Phase End stuff.

Trochilidae has been Poisoned.


Hippo has guessed Wazza as the Augur This is Inorrect!
Marshal has guessed PsychoKang as Augur This is Correct!
Light has guessed Hippo as the Student This is Inorrect!
Mole has guessed Ami as the Peasant This is Inorrect!
Wazza has guessed Gorta as the Thief This is Inorrect!

Trochilidae and PsychoKang have died.

It is now Challenge Phase 3!

Nobody was intimidated!

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Guiys, wei muist geit thei Poisoiner!

/Challenge Moleland to a duel

You saw nothing :stuck_out_tongue:

/challenge light to a dance


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/Dance @Wazza

/challenge @Jane to a Dance


Ah, so it was PK and Zone who were in an alliance. Unexpected.

/accept Mole
/challenge @Jane to a Duel

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/duel @Mistyx

en garde


Trochilidae has sent a final message.

) :<



I’m on holiday with my gf and she just said to me “why you spending so much time on that dumb house of lies site :rage:” so expect my full attention but less shit posting and memeing from me.



Well, that worked. /accept