Behind the Masks 3: Royal Returns (Game End)

Do not speak, I need to sort things out for phase end.
I need to update the gifts list and will do so soon so I can move phase but will grant a short extension.

This way, deaths are known first.

Gorta has been executed by the Swan for attempting to deceive the deceiver and receiving most votes. Hippoyeetus has been shot by the Man At Arms. The Swan will move phase in a bit, think of this as an… intermission.

  • Apprentice (The Otter) 1 Deny, 1 Switch, Guess Immunity, 2 Gift Reserves
  • Surge (The Mountain Walrus) Asphyxiation
  • Moleland (The Mole) 1 Deny, 1 Switch, Guess Immunity, 1 Gift Reserve
  • Light (The Artic Fox) 1 Deny, 1 Switch, Guess Immunity, Premium Food, 2 Gift Reserves
  • an_gorta_pratai (The Emu) Death by Deception
  • Jane (The Kiwi) 1 Deny, 1 Switch, Guess Immunity, 3 Gift Reserves, Failed Lottery Ticket
  • Zone_Q11 (The Gorilla) Shot through the heart
  • Hippoyeetus (The Robin) A bullet
  • Wazza (The Dog) 1 Deny, 2 Switches, Free Guess, Failed Lottery Ticket, A lot of incoming guesses
  • Trochilidae (The Hummingbird) A lack of living
  • Ami (The Scorpion) 2 Denies, 1 Switch, Free Guess, Premium Food, Guess Immunity
  • Insanity (The Crow) A bullet through the brain
  • Mist1422 (The Eagle) 2 Denies, 1 Switch, Guess Immunity, 1 Gift Reserve
  • Marshal (The Cat) 1 Deny, 1 Switch, Guess Immunity, 2 Gift Reserves
  • astand (The Capybara) A royal execution
  • PsychoKang (The Turkey) Guessed Correctly by The Cat

Jane must redeem a reserve before we move on, I did not realise Jane tried to claim a fourth reserve


Instead PKR has received the gift of a drink and all is in order, thank you Jane.


2 Reserves

1 reserve

2 reserves since I took Guess Immunity.

3 reserves, 1 Guess Immunity (again), 1 Lottery Ticket


pkr is tired and is going to edit it


It is now Dinner Phase 3

The guessable peeps.

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Do not forget you can Death Stake Guess if you do not have a Free Guess but if you are incorrect, you will die.

You didn’t credit my gift

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Moleland redeemed a reserve for Guess immunity

The guessable peeps.

Almost Everyone: knows my role
Me: has no clue what any other role is

Everyone: takes Guess Immunity
Me: doesn’t take Guess Immunity

The spotlight falls on Wazza as they now are the ONLY person who can be guessed. Ami has redeemed Guess Immunity.

Oh hey, this is beautiful.

Can I guess myself :eyes:

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Wazza guess yourself or looser?


Wait I have to guess myself LOL

oh LOL you do

So… just guess wrong? Lol

nah, imma guess correct, yeet