Do not speak, I need to sort things out for phase end.
I need to update the gifts list and will do so soon so I can move phase but will grant a short extension.
This way, deaths are known first.
Do not speak, I need to sort things out for phase end.
I need to update the gifts list and will do so soon so I can move phase but will grant a short extension.
This way, deaths are known first.
Jane must redeem a reserve before we move on, I did not realise Jane tried to claim a fourth reserve
Instead PKR has received the gift of a drink and all is in order, thank you Jane.
2 Reserves
1 reserve
2 reserves since I took Guess Immunity.
3 reserves, 1 Guess Immunity (again), 1 Lottery Ticket
pkr is tired and is going to edit it
It is now Dinner Phase 3
The guessable peeps.
Do not forget you can Death Stake Guess if you do not have a Free Guess but if you are incorrect, you will die.
You didn’t credit my gift
Moleland redeemed a reserve for Guess immunity
The guessable peeps.
Almost Everyone: knows my role
Me: has no clue what any other role is
Everyone: takes Guess Immunity
Me: doesn’t take Guess Immunity
Oh hey, this is beautiful.
Can I guess myself
Wazza guess yourself or looser?
Wait I have to guess myself LOL
oh LOL you do
So… just guess wrong? Lol
nah, imma guess correct, yeet