Behind the Masks 3: Royal Returns (Game End)

Like it is the perfect troll.
CJ is real fun to play as but hard too.

Also I saw Marshal typing so heck it, I will let dead post.
Since game end is literally after Ami posts and I post the result.

hello dead people

sorry Marshal it had to be this way

it almost was :pensive:

In the year of our lord 2020 I ask you all, friends, enemies, romans, and most important of all, the swan, lend me thy ears as I claim victory and the title of Magno Imperator. (fuck you im getting my own title, and fuck latin dum as gendered languauge)

I claim this title and victory upon right of conquest, all have fell under the fury of the elements. With this I am now done.



bruh Ami is actually nymph that’s hella gamer

and never forget

I can swim


Gg everyone.

Me: Lynch Jane so she can’t shoot us

Hip and Light: Nah we good fam.

Jane: Shoots Hip and Light

Hip and Light: Surprised Pikachu face

Apprentice, the Soldier stood up against the elements but was bested by the FIRE that was wielded by Ami.

The winner of Behind the Masks 3, is Ami the Nymph.


Wp dude.

I got got oof

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i except a triumph

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my undefeated Misc record noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

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Okay, so… what the heck were @Hippolytus and @Aelin thinking?

you and me both looser

assuming mist self-swapped my result and hers?


Very gamer

mist swapped me and astand early on

Need.the anti cheese I came up with - Everyone gets at least 24 hours to react to switches or challenges. But nobody can make new switches or challenges after the time limit.