Best/Worst Forum Mafia Quotes



The problems of other people :upside_down_face:

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they make vape in orange now? wow


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Nope. Magnus miracle plant.

sounds like a fancy term for drugs to me

It can be.


yeah i’d like 5 grams of that magnus miracle plant please

slips you a 20

slides you some red powder in a red baggie, and grabs the 20

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I was told the, ah, more exotic kind was orange. Do you happen to have any in stock?

Uh… the orange is too useful, we’re withholding it to stop fires.

quickly flashes another 20
I got more if you do

Im afaid we’re in short supply.
do you want the red or not? you already paid for it so you might as well take it…

scoffs and snatches the bag
Very well then. Be careful, or you might lose business.

Business is in no short supply. I’m sure we’ll be fine

Yes, yes, I’m sure your orange magnus miracle plant is in no short supply.

We don’t give that out to any old schmuck that walks by

You have to work your way up to it

You’re messing with the wrong person. I suggest you enjoy your business while it lasts. Good day.