Big Thread of Birthdays

This is alcoholic

Then not seltzer
Just the normal sparkling water

it’s not alcoholic itself

just almost always paired with alcohol

Hmm must be an australian thing then

It comes in bottles and is alcoholic

I was forced to take shots on my birthright trip to israel
Vodka, tequila, and whiskey
All utterly disgusting

yeah here it comes in bottles but is not itself alcoholic, just can be mixed


tequila yes, others nah

Heineken doesn’t taste terrible I guess? but it literally just an auto-parcher
literally has the opposite effect of water to me thirst wise

I need to try tequila but that shit expensive

Usually $60 a bottle

I bought some pomegranite and strawberry liquor from a special wine shop somewhere there
Both were waaaaaayyyyyy too sweet

Honestly you’d probably just like vodka oranges

Just mix a little vodka with orange juice

Patron tequila was much, much sharper to me than the vodka (i forget the brand) and jack daniels whiskey i tried

It was nearly unbearable

Or a lot

your choice

I have 2L of Jack Daniel rn

Vodka is usually decently smooth tbh as long as you don’t hold in your mouth forever

why would anyone do this

i think you misread my post
It was the tequila that was unbearable, not the whiskey or vodka

Bruh you don’t just swallow your shots you savour for a couple of seconds

Otherwise why bother buying decent liquor
Just buy dirtcheap vodka to dunk em