Big Thread of Birthdays


My graduation and birthday, lul.

Consider yourself purged


Thank you :smiley:

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Thx Marl

Don’t go off topic, this is the “discussions of non-ToL things” board not the “post whatever the fuck you want wherever the fuck you want” board, see Global Rule 9, consider this an unofficial warning for everyone involved


Also if a mod deletes your posts don’t try and re-have the same god damn conversation

(You just scared everyone to basically never post here so :clap: guess no more added birthdays in a while)

Gilgamesh’s Birthday is 06/17

there’s no problem with posting on the thread if the post is birthday related because this is the “Big Thread of Birthdays” for talking about birthdays

also the OP is a wiki post so you don’t even need to post in the thread to put your birthday down


Is Gilgamesh a user, or are we adding historical figures now

there’s a forums person called Gilgamesh apparantly

They have one post and look kinda like an alt

(Lol nah, they were just me trying to bring over a MU)

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Whammerist and Luxx!

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I was first!

Darn timezones

Happy Birthday Insanity! :smiley:

Not saying happy bday to wham and luxx until it’s actually the fifth for them :stuck_out_tongue:

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Happy birthday Wham, Luxx, and Insanity! :birthday: :birthday: :birthday:

(Don’t question me for not sleeping on 1:30 am btw)


Hey it’s 4:35 pm for me rn

Happy Birthday Insanity and Lux :smiley:

Umm for me it’s June 4 still so…