Big Thread of Birthdays

I was born on the day my 7th Great Grandfather died that I had to research about last month

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7th great as in your Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandfather?


Add me please? September 3 haha

robin you are a mod you can edit posts

it’s also a wiki so anyone can edit but i digress

don’t worry I have a backup of the original
let’s just taste the rainbow for 2 mins

Leave it like this

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Too much work to mantain

you don’t have to do anything though…

Also I riot if rainbows are removed

my eyes riot if they aren’t removed


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Indeed I’m talking about my Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandfather

wow thats going back a bit

your eyes are wrong :eyes:

thats why i wear glasses my dude

Now we have the legit orange and black experience


Gentlemen and fiercewomen, we have come to an agreement.

I disagree

It looks terrible on theme