Big Thread of Birthdays

You are not the first one buddy I win lane but lose game cause bot lane went 3/29

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And the 3 kills are from the fucking support

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Even More Relatable

I also love riots matchmaking instead placing me with silver they give me bronze and irons so that is fun and fresh.

Oh boy

I remember I once actually got placed with ppl my tier

That was when my friend played as well(aatrox main, pre rework)
We won pretty easily that game

Is that even legal?

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But still happened

Does it mean if that’s illegal and I got away with it, we could do “other” illegal stuff?

coughs in Braum Top

x9 Braum

Girldefined? I only know Hoedefined.



Also Boydefined? I only know Knightdefined.

great mf support yee

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Once I re-install league then yeee

Update mf support did really well.

This is what we do on the lux main discord server


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Sounds kinda hot