Big Thread of Birthdays

Happy bday boopy :smiley:


Happy B’Day!

wow it’s currently today on the sme day of hte year you were born in what a coincidence

Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday Boopy. May many more silly games be hosted by you and your really scurreh banhammer.

Happy BD @Jazz!


(BD here means birthday not Blue dragon btw)

Happy birthday, nerd :slight_smile:

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That’s derogatory BANNED. /s

Happy birthday! :smiley:

i didn’t know that the mexicans made a holiday in honor of her birthday :thinking:

Which holiday you talking about?


Are you serious

Please tell me you aren’t serious

The point I am trying to make is that Cinco de Mayo isn’t Mexican independence it is when the Mexicans won a big battle from the French becoming a major turning point of the war for independence. It is a common misconception p.

But nobody said it was independence…?

Isn’t that in September anyways?

And didn’t they lose the war?

Her birthday assumes independence.

Early 1800s they became independent from Spain. On September 16.

And yes the article says the Mexicans lost the war having France occupy Mexico for a few years.

independence is in september iirc from my spanish class

“her birthday” assumes that I was born on that day

and I have it under good authority that I was