Black Flag Nightless-The Clock Struck Midnight-English Victory

Actualy I’m rather set up on lynching Marshal, due to it being first newbie who actualy tries, reads stuff, even researches abreviations etc.

Either not newbie pretending to be one, or rolled scum and is excited about it.


I find that’s a grey area, I’ll talk to other more experienced hosts about it

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But Marshal can survive till like day 6 and I will give them 2 days to find scum and show up I am wrong.

Otherwise I’m interested in seeing Marshal flip.


I’m worried about unvoting and voting Maxwell.

I mean I would be excited as scum but If i were scum I would Definitley play the newbie card more.

I have more than 400 hours and have lurked this forum for a little bit, but decided to join this game because it seemed like the easiest possible thing

Can someone give me a valid reason on why to vote Maxwell?

400 hours of… ToL?

ToL is not really comparable.
And the amount of research you do is impressive, enough for me to IP check you to see if you are alt… twice.

Also I just wanted to say that you can check my profile and see that my first post was on this topic

Also a good general rule of thumb is, if it feels like its cheating, it probably is, but dont be afraid to ask :slight_smile:

I’m back for a bit but will have spotty connections because trains til I get home.

The main reason I saw was Geydes lack of trying day 2, and Maxwell not really doing much so far

Also I have a lot of freetime on my hands.

And I like the Idea of forum mafia

I mean I don’t feel like it is

But idk.

I mean, I will support whoever you pushes today and tommorow, I want to see where you will go with it.

It’s pretty interesting actualy.

Am I adding too much pressure on you? Probably.
But it’s interesting neverless.

Didn’t see someone that deep into game as new player since times Fk joined this forum.
You are not scared, open, sometimes crude, but try to use intuition.

It’s just interesting.

i ran out of time to respond, and i deeply apologize.
it was honestly a huge mistake to sub in here.
I am french, but seems i’ll never have the time to defend myself in this game.

That’s angleshooting and not allowed, flies away.

^ You still do have time to defend yourself

But talk to my observation unit @Maxwell

Not at all.

you still ave 7 or so hours.

just add as much as you can

I am still a high-schooler and have too much freetime on my hands after quitting my summer job and I’ve done all of the shit I need to do for school.

This mean’s i’m available for as long as i’m awake.

School starts for me on August 12th and until then I plan to do this.

It’s like a videogame and it’s not uncommon for someone my age to play videogames all day.

I have done it so many times then… so woops?

Korekiyotaka does not approve.

Y’all I’m not convinced