Black Flag Nightless-The Clock Struck Midnight-English Victory

Vote Count
Jake-Marshal, Magnus [L-2]
WazzaAzza-Jake [L-3]
Majority is 4
Day ends in roughly 24 hours

I think jae voted wazza


Jakeā€™s vote is still shown under magnus

excuse my 69 iq


/vote Jake

I see physically no reason for you to vote me here and thus, I shall vote you.

Vote Count
Jake-Marshal, Magnus,WazzaAzza [L-1]
WazzaAzza-Jake [L-3]
Majority is 4
Day ends in 10 hours roughly

Pay attention to who started the wagon on me. They are scum looking for LHF

/unvote I donā€™t want this In hammer just yet

After thinking about things I have finally decided that Jake is the better lynch

If not then we lynch Marshal and if he is town then rip

/vote Jake

(Wait did I accidentally hammer?!)

Nope, Marshal unvoted

/vote Marshal


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Iā€™m In a dilemna.

I can hammer jake right now, possible ending this. Jake is almost certainly going to be lynched today no matter what.

I am not confident that jake flips scum(maybe 50/50) and my fear is that if jake flips town, I am the exe.

I donā€™t want to be in that position where all fingers are pointed at me. I really donā€™t like the sound of that.

*A sidenote is that if jake flips town, whoever is exed the next day has them and their faction lose.

Just hammer me, english scum!

I would potentially like to hammer, but I dont know if itā€™s the right time.

We have time in the day and I donā€™t want to hammer out of nowhere

You have about 5 hours

Iā€™m So torn on jakeā€™s alignment.

On one hand, everything he has said and done has a bit of scumminess to it. The relationship with lymph makes jake the obvious scum

On the other hand, Jakeā€™s unwillingness to defend himself almost makes me think he is town. He wants me to hammer, he encourages me to hammer. Would scum do this? especially when one scum being lynched means death?

Im so torn and I really donā€™t know what to do.

Just hammer already

This right here is signaling to me that marshal is scum. They refuse to hammer someone because of their own safely.