Black Flag Nightless-The Clock Struck Midnight-English Victory

This will be the final day, Town is at 4, Scum is at 2. God speed gentlemen

Is no lynching allowed?

No-Lynch is no longer a valid option, i donā€™t have my therapist for another week

Mandatory Mass Ping then:


I was always hereā€¦

I want James to answer this:

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Also I forgot @Wazza



This is Mylo.

Now you see why I didnt want jake killed

Donā€™t worry. We have time.
No one vote.

This scenario still very well likely holds true.
Iā€™m more sure that james is likely scum.

I think we vote james.

Yeah, but not yet. Iā€™m waiting for him to speak.

Wazza, James, Magnus.

The ones who are(in my eyes) more likely to be scum than anyone else

Now, instead of being able to get 2 from this list dead, we only get one chance.

I think the best chance of that is james

Dude, youā€™re literally the only one who thinks Iā€™m scum.

Not the only one

And I havenā€™t said explixitly that you are scum.

I just said I find it more likely than a few others

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Magnus is not scum imo.

Almost impossible and I will never vote him today.

yeah you can quote HTM all you want but that wonā€™t help you

That towncore(which I think is BS btw) was before jake was killed.