Black Flag Nightless-The Clock Struck Midnight-English Victory

You are leaving at the end of the game.

Get back here, you leaving can lose the game for BD.

I want to go fucking sleep yet you donā€™t see me running away.

Why r u voting me if Iā€™m town then

And yes I said BD over French, common habit.

This is a mess

I pray for kai

what is this

Honestly we are very divided and chaotic rn

I think we should calm down and create a towncore

I didnā€™t say you are Town, I said you can ruin the game for Town.

Ugh I need to lie down Iā€™m getting a headache from this.

thank god i got more weed


Itā€™s to late for that we need to pick the scummiest out of Magnus, James, and Wazza. I say Wazza but Iā€™ll get ignored as per usual

My towncore:

Me, dat, HTM,

My not-towncore:

wazza james magnus

Why are you assuming Dat and htm are both Town?

I really donā€™t understand you people anymore


You guys seem to keep following the leader like sheep.

We are all here apart from James

Cuz maybe I have been trying all game and not only in mylo

You said yourself you lost motivation.

Donā€™t try and play that card on me asshole.

My Towncore


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Letā€™s just stop we are both very angry. Theres no reason to push further if we are just gonna get mad at each other after this.


Whatever, Iā€™m just anger voting you at this point.