Black Flag Nightless-The Clock Struck Midnight-English Victory

Dude, it’s 32 minutes.

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wait fuck am i high

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Yes, very fucking high.

You and htm were literally just talking about it.

wait yea i am

Thank god.

Myself as I know I’m town
Marshal since he was accusing Eevee forever

No… I was saying James

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Wait, you mean who James could be with?

yea thirty minutes i misread it as an hour

Hour = thirteen minutes?

Also I’d throw out Magnus as he was accusing Eevee for like forever too.

Well I asked who would be on both teams but I was more focusing on James

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And what about me?

So it’s either Dat/James or Waz/James

Eevee voted Dat randomly.

wazza + james

or HTM + magnus

I think one of these is the scumteam.

I mean earlier you seemed quite hesitant to vote James.

And then I led the cfd which I stopped cause I didnt like the progress on it

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Or it’s you with Waz.