Black Flag Nightless-The Clock Struck Midnight-English Victory

Im giving you 3 extra minutes be grateful

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dude I just want to sleep

so no

@Htm @Magnus @Marshal @Wazza

@DatBird Your turn, are you jumping or staying?

We barely have any time left, we need to decide quick!

Scum would quikvoted by now.

15 minutes is plenty to answer my question

honestly I trust you the most out of everyone now

Your reaction against me seemed genuine

Unless someone else votes wazza RN then its clearly getting no traction.

James is just as good a vote as wazza vote IMO so i’d be willing to do either

Staying for now

THe fact that scum haven’t Quik lynched Marshal suggests him being English!

The fact ur freaking out is interesting

I think that the vote on Magnus doesn’t make sense

Other than that the rest of the votes are on my Lynch pool so :man_shrugging:

Of course! Damn it unvote for now!

Please, Be quiet.


Scum would have to be somoene who’s not james + me + HTM + wazza

so scum would habe to be you + dat to hammer me whcihc it clearly isnt

@htm unvote!


Oh wait.
You’re right.