Black Flag Nightless-The Clock Struck Midnight-English Victory

Scum could easily be James Marshal.

I thought if Marshal was Town, scum could Quik lynch the boi.

WE have no direction. Sus is still being thrown around in all directions.

we are almost out of time. And I dont want to be the most voted at the end of the day

/vote james

No. We have 4 suspects you, marshal, James, and Wazza. We have a 2 out of 6 people we all agree arent scummiest enough. So @htm since u were universally town read Iā€™ll let you decide the fate who dies

Thatā€™s true.
Maybe heā€™s lurking.

read this first

9 MINUTES REMAIN (i think)

James - Magnus,Marshal [L-2]
Marshal - HTM, WazzaAzza [L-2]
Magnus - Datbird [L-3]

I hate making these decisions

The only thing making me hesitant on Marshal is because Geyde was right, thatā€™s a lot off effort for a newbieā€¦

So pick u have 9 minutes.

Is it just me or is Marshal voting James for a quick shot at RNG and trying to save himself?

Id rather it be RNG between me + james then jsut me dying



Wazā€™s posts just scream town to meā€¦

I want to say either James or Marshal should be the lynch.

Pick no more hedge


U cant make polls itā€™s against the rules

Wait it is?

angrey reeing can be heard from the captainā€™s quarters
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Yes, I think someone did it earlier and I said the same thing

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HTM, after everyhting, please do the right thing and vote for james.ā€™

I have tried so hard and learned a lot

but It would be crushing to vote me and would spell a loss for town

additional angrey reeing can be heard