Black Flag Nightless-The Clock Struck Midnight-English Victory

Is that a challenge for me to host a Danganronpa Game?


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Danganronpa 2: Electric Boogaloo

Coming Soon.

:hushed::dizzy_face::dizzy_face::dizzy_face::dizzy_face::dizzy_face::dizzy_face: …is this real? (please yes)

I mean.

It was already in the works.

I’ve already hosted a Danganronpa game before.

So this one would be with the Danganronpa 2 characters.

Yeah, I know about the latest Danganronpa game you hosted.

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No. I already staked my claim.


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This is actualy slightly scumsided, isn’t it?

4/2 lynch needed ratio is fine but for like… 10-11 people.
Here you add 2-3 more townies, meaning more misslynch potential(?)

i’m not an expert with game balance so idk. It gives more ml chance yes however it does reduce the influence scum has on the lynch

I mean, imagine 100 vs 3 with 4/2 lynches needed.

Scum has nearly no influence, does it sound any better setup-wise tho?

fair point.

That’s where I was at looking at this setup, but most games can be sort of scumsided and still work due to FoL being a place.

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i’ll look for a co host when it actually fills

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I’m crazy
And lazy

and so I must ping someone soooo

@Captain would you like to join for :cookie: ?