Black Flag Nightless-The Clock Struck Midnight-English Victory

also is the vote from magnus still on me?


vc is now accurate

Why is eevee being voten? Because they sheeped the read on datbird?

Sheeped? Where did they sheep?

I remember something about eevee voting you after geyde

Eevee voted first, Geyde did say some things like I wasnt actually try to solve, but Eevee never acknowledged them

Oh well I remember wrong apparently lol

I checked their ISO and I donā€™t think they took the game seriously yet, your vote seems opportunisticā€¦

What how?

You voted for player that didnā€™t took the game seriously while you had like the most votes

So thats oppertunistic how? Whats ur definition of oppertunistic. The Andrej vote sure I can see that, but the Eevee vote? how

And what am I supposed to sit around and let them vote me out since they didnt take it serious. what logic is that

Are voting eevee because you think they are scum?

Yes I wouldnt vote someone I thought was town/French

What makes you think they are scum?

Their lack of trying, the random votes, like their answer to why did u vote Marshal was

and why would anyone town read you for randomly voting

I have been on a scumteam with Eevee and maybe its just a coincidence, but he barely tried that game either

Like I know he had real IRL shit that held him back that game and that he orignally wasnt going ot join, but idk if it be much different if he was motivated to do so

Reminder that twice now we have pinged jake who has promised to say something and then just hasntā€¦