Black Flag Nightless-The Clock Struck Midnight-English Victory

Also if you dont think thats a slip this means you think jake is scum?

I mean, not to incriminate myself, but the ā€œyouā€ could mean the Town members. I honestly think that itā€™s more of a case of playing connect the dots in the stars. Youā€™re seeing something thatā€™s not there.

Where am I?

No I think Jake could be either allignment. Hosts can answer questions in thread without giving away allignment like Kai did. Just because he addressed Jake saying as soon as town hits 3 you loseā€¦ doesnt mean squat. Itā€™s just everyoneā€™s acting like town so I address them as town. Simple as that

Exactly, the you wasnt directed at you, but in town in general.

If I havenā€™t listed you, then youā€™re probably on the ā€œNo-Tierā€ list, aka Either you could be sus but you could also be town, I havenā€™t decided or seen enough evidence for either.

Townie-teir list
S = Townlock
F = Scumlock

S | Marshal(because iā€™ve seen my classcard)
A |
B | HTM, Lymphoma,
C | Dat, Jake, Geyde
{between C+D} Wazza, Magnus
D | Andrej
E |Eevee
F |

Why are you reading htm as town as me

Actually let me revise this a little

S | Marshal(because iā€™ve seen my classcard)
A |
B | HTM, Lymphoma, Dat, Geyde
C | Jake
{between C+D} Wazza, Magnus
D | Andrej
E |Eevee
F |

Because both you and HTM have made contributions and given ideas

I feel like Dat and Geyde have both done that too

jake is starting to seem less sus
Wazza is pretty quiet and Magnus has made sus comments and votes
Andrej is dead silent
eevee has been called out while active and given no defence

I will say i think there is a scum in my B-teir, But i highly doubt more than 1 out of the 4

Wait it would be very cool if someone made a tier list maker for reads

cough I know, right?

Obviously not me cuz im a permanent mobile user also its 3 am

Yeah I wonder if someone is gonna do that

What if I havenā€™t seen my ClassCard? :eyes:
Nah I have, but next game I wont look.

Are you using my abandoned strat :thinking:

Best strat to not look like scum is to not know if you are scum

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I mean my strat was abandoned for a reason so it would be better to not use itā€¦

But what if you flip Prince?
Everyone will hate you.