Black Flag Nightless-The Clock Struck Midnight-English Victory

I can’t join another game right now,maybe later

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I’m sorry about this but I have to leave this game because I’m not going to be available for the next 2 weeks.

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thats completly fine! i hope to see you after those 2 weeks!

Thanks! By the way is it possible for me to at least /spectate? I’ll maybe have a few minutes to check the Internet.

i generally don’t do specs, sorry man

It’s ok!

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O shit it’s the Sheriff wait why are they purple oh no it’s the end of times

Would you guys be ok with me starting it as 10p and adjusting everything for it?

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I don’t mind.


Adjusting it to ten player

We start 2019-07-15T05:00:00Z

two main things changed just incase people dont reread the op mkay


ez dub

Seems balanced

is this an error?

also /in if you’ll have me

it’s an error

does being a backup work