Black Flag Nightless-The Clock Struck Midnight-English Victory

I would prefer some explanations over just a tier list

Inquisitor cycle from J.Piekara

Not sure if it was translated into English, but he is better and more renown in Poland than internationaly known Witcher series soooo…

1 Like

Alright then. they’re on their way

Omlwtte du formage

Ahoyy jötem

Ill look into it, I havent read in a while and kinda want to go back and do it some more. Especially during my commute on trains

Dont mid me im speaking frech

how do i post the tier list


Save then rifhr click then downlad

The ppat the upvotey button


:man_shrugging: yeah but im still interested. We might hit a diamond scum mine in the rough

What does tigs menan

Why are we in section “Waifus” on tierlist maker.



I want to know why before I do.

Also I’m done playing Minecraft since I got pissed off.

Did wazza do soemthşng good after i xalled them out

I was saying Lymp was sus for pushing me as town because no one was saying I was sus. Why would a town push that another person was town if they aren’t being accused?