Black Flag Nightless-The Clock Struck Midnight-English Victory

still want content from the landlubber though

There is no honour if you let dishonor corrupt you. I am simply stating that It would be a high insult if one were to accuse me of being an evil englishman

Fuck this game-

I ainā€™t no baguette loving French person, Iā€™m British!

(These messages mean nothing, Iā€™m just memeing because irl Iā€™m British)

Stupid, Stupid, Stupid, Stupid French people.

/vote Wazza

Traitorous scum

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Aww Darnit! Iā€™ve been exposed!

Btw, if you memevote.

Make sure to specify (Memevote)

Take that flag next to your name and burn it

also /Unvote


Then we shall hang you with it

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Oh come onā€¦

I just want toā€¦ hang out.

Dont worry. We will let you hang around for a while


The English and French do not realize that I shall see their destruction.


Time to meme as I can never microread when there is only 43 postsā€¦

Andrej is pretty much impossible to read imo.

Sometime he is inactive, sometimes he is, but it doesnā€™t mean a faction.

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This is why he is probably a good policy lynch target if he is inactive.

But I donā€™t want to actually policy lynch him rn.

Wait so are we able to lynch day one?