Black Flag Nightless-The Clock Struck Midnight-English Victory

Yes lmao. What point are you trying to prove?

Why would either of the 3 do it?

If its Geyde: If HTM pushes on magnus, and magnus is killed, HTM looks like scum. Geyde would then post something in chat to ā€œconvinceā€ HTM and HTM would follow. Geyde is smart and experiecned enough to think this

If it is Magnus: Magnus might think this bus is detrimental to the health of the scumteam. Especially if the 3rd scum from the pair is someone who is an obvious lynch target(such as andrej). Magnus might have said to reverse the thought process because the bus was a poor idea

If it is you: If both you AND htm push on magnus, and magnus is killed, you both look sus. However, if you have differing veiwpoints, It could make for a good distance and people wouldnā€™t associate you with HTM.

Cause just like bad buffalo wings your argument against HTM is bad, in the fact its all bone and no meat. Theres no substance, no meat, no point to this push. It hasnt pushed farther than wow he changed his mind thats scummy. Why is changing your mind scummy I ask? Cause it was fast. Wow its like we have super computers in our head that can process a lot of things at once, and wow with new found evidenc change our opinions in nanoseconds. Now if you want to do an ISO and actually tear into HTM, and prove to me why he is scummy, sure maybe Iā€™d beleive you. But this push right here. Its like playing a game of baseball but someone stole all the Bases. Its baseless. Just as baseless as other pushes like Jake is modconfirmed push. Theres no reason behind it and feels forced.Changing your mind is human, and NAI. If it was scummy, wow I would be able to fnd the scum team easily by anyone whos ever unvoted


First, Youve taken the wings from a young buffalo
a Newborn Buffalo. This buffalo hasnā€™t developed enough to make good wings.
If you want me to ISO and evaulate everything that HTM has ever said, I will do it.

We have time

But you ask questions, I answer questions. I have gone into greater detail what the motivations behind the change are, and if thatā€™s not enough i will do more.

ISO HTM find me why hes scum

Im used to having 90 seconds to make reads and having to come up with reads based off of single comments and small changes. This whole 48 hours is a little daunting.

I will do that.

sorry for being lax w/ VCs, been very busy today. Iā€™ll give you one around 8 PM CST


Shh, youā€™re not supposed to tell them about government secrets!

That seems like a hellova lot more fun game to play.

I think itā€™s scummy to push the idea that someone is townie for any reason multiple reasons on average

While, yes, it is human to change your mind, It seems scummy to change your mind for seemingly no reason, or for bad reasons. IMO, you should back your ideas up with at least 1 moderate reason.

You know plainly looking at my games helps to make you realize that I do in fact change my mind very quickly as any faction.

My last scum game was TvB if you want to look at it then go ahead (Even though it is eternally cursed and metareads from there are always wrong)

Ok Jake Ill ask you the same quesion

Those metareads always come from me. Discount those

Have you ever thought that maybe Geydeā€™s reasoning was great reasoning to me? It doesnā€™t have to be great reasoning for you as it is subjective, but Geydeā€™s reasoning for me, was very good.

Why do you find me town now?

And Alice in FoL 21 and 22.

Read other posts i was trying to prove a point

he was trying to prove a point that changing your mind is scummy, but it seemed to confuse more than anything

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Jake so what you dont think Geyde had a good point.