Black Flag Nightless-The Clock Struck Midnight-English Victory

oh fuck

I actually thought we lynched Lymp/PKR

We did, it was the second lynch

No I meant first

Well I know ur busy but a small readlist would be great see where ur heads at

ugh, fine

ok nevermind I canā€™t be bothered

@eevee why is it annoying you?

If those 3 fail, we lose.

Well Jake who would you lynch. We need to lynch one more scum to win and theres about 3 townies we can get wrong before we are really in bad territory. So give me ur three people u would lynch in this scenario

First, I need everyoneā€™s scumlists. Thatā€™s the least evidence I need.

No u dont, who r ur scumreads

I do need them, because a fake scumlist often doesnā€™t look like a real one.

Jake I need urs for the same exact reasoning, hence why I asked u that question. Give me reads plz.

But I asked for yours first.

Iā€™m not just gonna let u just copy others as I hand u them on a silver platter. I need genuine reads


No u didnt

You, to my ISOing, havenā€™t even posted a scumlist once.

And if you didnā€™t know, Iā€™m currently playing 3 fourm games, so excuse me for asking for things that take time

I have multiple times

Me 2 bro, all Iā€™m asking is for ur own genuine reads atm, who would u throw off who would you save, but the fact u dont wanna before looking at what others have stated first is pretty sus in my eyes. Why cant u give ur genuine reads first and then give me reads based on others reads later. We have 48 hours til next lynch we got time to dig through scumreads and associations

Well then I read myself as confirmed scum because everyone else agrees that I am, and anyone who doesnā€™t wonā€™t vote for me.