Black Flag Nightless-The Clock Struck Midnight-English Victory

I just don’t think i’ll get enough votes for maxwell today.

And I dont want to kill maxwell before some real content.

I don’t think jake is the right vote, but if it comes down to it, they will be the vote

I have never actually got an explanation/defence from Jake just from you (Marshal)

So @JakeTheWolfie what is your defence?

Yeah I really don’t like it

I have put more of a defence of jake then jake has. it’s disheartening.

But I’ve tried to get someone I think is town away from a lynch but it seems inevitable

I don’t think I was angleshooting :thinking:

I wasn’t looking at the replace thing at all. I was mainly looking at Geyde’s posts to get a read on him so that I could read Maxwell as Max has barely posted anything

/vote Maxwell

Activity is out of game read.

Out of game read is angleshooting.

Pretty much that.

Well that’s a good start

Also I assume we aren’t allowed to talk about activity outside of this game

Like if for example someone more quiet is very active in other games?

Why did you vote Maxwell?

(Another interesting situations thingy or an actual real vote?)

Sheep :sheep::


I don’t actually know if that would be considered angleshooting (most likely yes)

But it is against the rules to talk about ongoing games anyway, so there is that

Alright sheepies.

matey maxwell has been given multiple opportunities to tell us who he reckons the english sailors arrrrrr. He has failed to do so and has been in the quarters for a very long time.

I reckon we tie 'em up and cast them from arrrrrrrrrrr ship.

Well the game and person I am reffering to just ended so it’s not ongoing but if it’s angleshooting I guess i’ll drop the argument I had

And Geyde didn’t really give anything more than who was gamesolving and who was doing busywork. I think that they are one of the best lynches.

You can meta read activity I think…

(I basically do it with Dat every single game and no one has told me anything so dunno.)

It’s activity in another game and chat. I dont know if that really is allowed or not but I want to stay on the side on caution

@Ami do you consider meta reading by activity angleshooting?


I think looking at maxwell’s game in fol23 and fol23 scumchat could give us valuable insight into their game.

This is NOT related al all to previous arguments. :wink:

Actual real vote.

Vote Count
Jake-HTM, Waz [L-3]
Maxwell-Marshall,Eevee [L-3]
Day ends in roughly 6 hours