Black Flag Nightless-The Clock Struck Midnight-English Victory



Are you claiming?
No wait nvm you canā€™t be.

Because I was making an example of if HTM was scum, why they would want to distance themselves from another scum to avoid the loss

ā€œIā€™m sorry, but I donā€™t want to be an emperor. Thatā€™s not my business. I donā€™t want to rule or conquer anyone" ~Charlie Chaplin

So you think there are two scum in thread?
But that means youā€™re sus of Geyde, since Geyde said he mindmelding with htm.

Then why donā€™t I completely distance from Magnus?

Thank you kind citizen.
I will reply with a ā€˜quality postā€™ as they do say in America


Because completely distancing would be voting me.


To get magnus out of the spotlight. You townread magnus and then add the afterthough that they might be evil and if they are you at least thought they could be

Or I could just do nothing about you

Thatā€™s also a type of distancing imo.

Does nothing to get potential scumbuddy out of the spotlight

Right now I think Marshal is distancing from us.

Look. Ive explained my reasoning. I am not saying we should vote one of the two, or that they are both defenite scum, But i am saying that they are a possible scumpair.





And yes i am distancing from both magnus and HTM because i think my faction might not align with theirs

But why would I risk my own survival? Two scum gone and itā€™s over for me if I was hypothetically scum with Magnus

That is a good point. But a d1 lynch would be a major pain for scum. Keeping scumbuddy safe for now is pretty important for scum IMO.

Or I could accidentally out myself as scum and get scum even more screwed. Why risk it?