Black Flag Nightless-The Clock Struck Midnight-English Victory

Still, i’m voting James. I suggest you guys do the same. We’re out of time.

This was the start of my push on the stupid mod confirmed Jake stunt

No that’s not how it works. People can be active or dis active as scum

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And if James is wrong, then what do we do?

We fucking lose.

I’m confident.

Hate to say it, but Dat’s correct.

Activity doesn’t matter, I was just disinterested in this game.

I’m confident I found the team but no one listens

And who’s the team?

You and Magnus

Maybe James instead of magnus

cough everyone sus of me cough cough.

Now I don’t know about Magnus because I really haven’t cared about him all game tbh.

Doesnt mean Jack

Wow scumbuddy please be sus of me so everyone is. Thank you


no uhh.

Jack means doesn’t mean shit

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It’s a phrase

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Me and Dat:
at each other’s throats with literal knives
Also Me and Dat:



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Yeah well, i’m confident I found my own scum team, but seems unlikely so I’m not forcing it.

Who, flatter me