Black Flag Nightless-The Clock Struck Midnight-English Victory

No, Metal Gear solid.


Dat’s posts in MGS seemed to be slightly memey at the very start and then townie contributions after.


Was he Town or Wolf in Metal?


I think it’s sorta similarish to this game except that he was more active in MGS.

Do you think he’s trying to copy his meta so we think he’s Town?

I think that might be overthinking it

It could honestly be, but it is sorta hard to copy metas in a good way imo. I’m not sure if Dat would try it.

And this is why I’m sus of you.
C o n s t a n t V i g i l a n c e

Im not saying im not overthinking things

And yet everyone got sus of him because of this meme vote.
I think he tried to copy it and failed, which is why he tried to backtrack and vanished.

Then you should agree with me.

I sorta do

It is a Possibility

Tbh basically everything is a possibility

RNGesus is in this game.

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Which is exactly why we need to narrow down what is plausible and what is not. Most things are possible, but not many are plausible.


talk pls.


Your take on this day so far?