Black Flag Nightless-The Clock Struck Midnight-English Victory

Yes but if ur saying its town indicative by them trusting you that means you would trust someone that is trusting you. Hence the pocket

Haveā€¦ have you been reading the past 5 minutes of the thread?

Yes I understand that you have null on Lymph.

But Iā€™m talking about the post itself

Iā€™m saying that they, as a town, would trust me more than if it didnā€™t happen.

Iā€™m scumreading Lymp. I thinl that Lymp is a possible scum.

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Oh wait, I missed this somehow

Tbh I donā€™t, so no lynch will always be a valid option if we need more time.


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Nolynch ahouldnt be a n option imo

thats a very scummy attitude to the no lynch

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Thanks for misrepresenting me. I enjoy it very much that I canā€™t change my mind.

I mean there is a dealine for a reason

You know I want to scumread this but some people like challenges so idk tbh

I agree it shouldnā€™t be an option.

butā€¦ it is.

And Iā€™m gonna make sure we make full use of it.

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Ok so why is it suddenly a scumread? Thats what im :thinking: about

No Lynch = inf days. Seems a little broken

What is the point of days if we can just extend them?


Ywah eat the grape dont ask where it came from

That was before I looked through, looking for incriminationg or decriminating evidence.

Stop complaining and make use of given mechanics.

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Sorry im a bit drinky