Black Flag Nightless-The Clock Struck Midnight-English Victory

Meaning of lüfe is wlrking hard with disciplöe and being vulnarable and getitng better

I think one is scum, and not LHF as they claim

I mean I doubt Andrej will be of any sue, but that doesn’t mean I want to kill him.


@Wazza its yojr turn to play
Why do yoh keep popin in and leavşmg thread after giving tnpting

That honestly has made more sense than Andrej.

Fuck ksıjfmcnk

Give me a quote on why you think this.

I will follow a Wazza vote if this court decides that they don’t want to kill andrej

I juat started eyes with gerirl omg sht

What do you think of Wazza?

Im ok with killing bothtbrh


Dont take alchol after medicine kids


Can I interest you in voting Marshal?

I want to see if they are real about following your vote :’)

Why thw fuck arw tou vorşng dor martshal

why not?

Marshal is hopping between Andrej/Lymp being sus to Wazza being the right vote. Maybe one of their members is telling to do this.

Hello kids. Alcohol is not good and dont sugarcoat it

Why the fıck do you tşhnk im aua

:ok_hand: :joy: :ok_hand: