Black Flag Nightless-The Clock Struck Midnight-English Victory

I ask you. What about wanting to take a look at self-described LHF is worthy of a vote and wagon.

Do you really think i’ll flip scum?

A vote is also a tool to show that you want an answer.

A) I answered the question

B) Another tool to show that you want an answer is typing “I want an answer”

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/vote Jake
What is your address?
Im using my tool to get answers

[Memevote - Do not count]

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uhh 123 appel stret north korea, pluto


sending feet pics to that adress immediately

On a more serious note. Now that your tool has accomplished what you set out for it to do, are you going to rescind it?


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I regret allowing nolynching


Was my vote processed?

No unless this game was bastard.

Is it bastard?

Yes voting the host is generally considered a bastard mechanic.

Please educate my newbie soul on what this all means

Bastard games are games where the host can do fuck all. Kill you because they want to? Sure. Change your flip to be what you claim? Done. Confirm/Deny what someone is? Gotcha.

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Sounds like fun

That’s why my first bastard game is where everyone flips what they claim.

It’s more of a nightmare tbh… but it is fun for the hosts.

Imma create a bastard game soon.