Black Flag Nightless-The Clock Struck Midnight-English Victory

If you think that I would put in that much effort just to look town because someone told me to you are sorely mistaken.

I dont think geyde wouldve asked me to do all of that knowing its my first game.

I think PKR first

Alright. Les mass vote.

I would rather vote PKR tbh, however Iā€™m still waiting on him to do something

Itā€™s either Dat or PKR imo.

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/vote PKR with extreme prejudice

Also if Maxwell (Geyde) isnā€™t scum then Marshal is pretty much locked town at this point

I think we have 3 PKR votes If we count Datā€™s vote on lymphoma(which i think we do)

New Towncore

Unsure on a few of them but oh well


Letā€™s make a list.

  1. Most Likely Town
  2. Likely Town
  3. Could go either way
  4. Likely scum
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My list
1: Marshal(only one i can know confidently isnt scum)
2: Maxwell, Dat, Eevee
2.5: Magnus, HTM,
3: Jake, wazza,
4: PKR.

  • Htm - Most likely town (aka confirmed from my eyes)
  • Datbird - Likely town
  • PKR - Likely scum
  • Andrej Dead townie
  • JakeTheWolfe - Could go either way
  • Magnus - Most likely town
  • Marshal - Likely town
  • WazzaAzza - Could go either way
  • Maxwell - Could go either way
  • Eevee - Likely town

I know this is a little different than what yā€™all are thinking but this is my stance at the moment

Tbh Waz has barely spoke

Andā€¦ Jake has just been acting townie and then scummy

And I used to be sure of Maxwellā€¦ but after that Andrej lynch itā€™s been like ???

What about PokemonkidRyan?

The late-push from geyde on andrej was a little weird

Did i want andrej lynched? yes.
But i had voted nolynch until geyde convinced the players remaining to vote andrej

I still trust it because i thought it was the right move

I still think the move was OK because it had been nearly 100 hours and we all wanted something to happen

Likely scum or Must be lynched depending on what PKR does.

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Also what was PKRā€™s last game?

Interested for metareads

Another thing i want to mention is how sudden the leave of lymphoma was.

Likeā€¦ I get that they wanted out but, it seemed a little sudden.

they were talking with dat about their feeling on jake and dat asked lymphoma to elaborate

and then lymphoma just asked to be replaced.

Might be that there was a scum-chat argument and lymphoma got mad there.
However it looks like the only ones talking at that time were HTM and Dat and neither of those seem like lymphā€™s scum-buddies.

This feels like me overthinking things but goddamnit we have 60 hour days i can do what i want

SFol 50 i think

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