Black Flag Nightless-The Clock Struck Midnight-English Victory

/grand trial jake

Im the king here now, bud

whos the scumcore in ur mind

It’s 11 PM here I’m tired enough.

Assuming the Towncore is correct… two of these four have to be scum:


If I am scum, vote me. I’m kinda tired of this game

Well me 2, same time. well i want pictures of spiderman and scumteam on my desk in the morning. Well im also prob going to sleep

sadly, i still have not had time to ISO yet.

Well we can both agree that Max and Jake seem scumcore

Max more than jake in my eyes

Should we light-push maxwell to get a little more content?

Probably? I should be.

One thats game throwing, like this game has been tiring but dont just ask to be voted out

@Magnus Do you still think Me, Lymph and Marshal are the scumteam?

After quickly ISOing Lymph

There was this weird thing where he kept on saying that Jake is town modconfirmed for like ??? reasons and Jake did have a pretty strange reaction to it tbh. Plus he said his read on Lymph is null which is a distancing strategy.

even though i have no frame of reference, I’ll do this just so that I can have made a move before i have time to read the history of this game.

/vote Lymphoma



Why are you voting a dead person?

like i said, it’s completely baseless. i just felt it was right for me to do something, since i won’t have the time to ISO for at least 12 hours, ergo not before EoD today.

oh, he’s dead.

PKR replaced lymphoma bud. and PKR is dead

Yes but they were just lynched