Black Flag Nightless-The Clock Struck Midnight-English Victory

Some jake messages from fol22(Not quoted because copypasted from search)

I have no real reads because it’s Day 1.

So is anyone actually going to claim or are you just going to disect every individual bit of information you can get from everyone’s messages?

  • Only after you tell me whether or not the exact time down to the millisecond someone sent a message means anything.

All d1 stuff.

Not quite what I remember reading, but I do think that this isn’t out of line with how jake plays.

Jake should, however, give reads. It only hurts his case when he refuses to do so.

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People, I clearly know.

The plan would change depending on if you turned out to be scum or not.

If jake is scum its game over

we wont get any new info if someone flips scum or not because if they flip scum we win the game.

The plan cant “change” based on what someone flips because the options are town win or continued game.

We don’t need to lynch them all

I’m dumb

maybe it’s because you dont have that classcard :wink:

Nah it’s because

I barely read a thing tbh

Cause Lymph kill didn’t give us anything?

I mean, scum will now try to shield behind “I told you so” and them being scum clears like who…

HTM, me, maybe you.
All of which were already townread, so ehhh…

It changed nothing readwise.
Yes, it closes us closer to wincon, but also the real battle of distancing just started.

Can you tell me why lymph being scum clears you?


Let’s start with them putting me in null pile :thinking:

I’m totaly not reusing your arguments in totaly opposite way

Scum putting other scum in null is a distancing tactic.

I will be the first to admit i trusted lymphoma for a good while until reading through and breaking down their actions.

Lymphoma obviously trusted me as well. We know this.

But looking at straight facts, You and maxwell/geyde were the only ones to never at one point vote lymphoma/PKR.

I fail to see how lymphoma being scum clears you .

Sigh. Okay, you say they were distancing.

First of all - I was on town list of pretty much everyone there.
Wouldn’t it be more logical to just put me on town list, since it’s easy to jsut enforce strong position of your scummate?

Let’s say they went to distancing tho.
As you said theyw ere distancing from me, but I wasn’t from them.
I didn’t jump theirs wagon after all.

That implies that Lymph thought I will die before them, so they will be able to get better position from it, not reverse.

What’s more, that implies they were going for “I was right, I was nullreading them”, which sounds… wrong. They couldn’t put me in scumread, since that would stand out too much, sure, but nullread will not really give you any credit after they flip anyway.

So… what would be the point?

tl;dr Lymph distancing me, me not distancing Lymph makes sense if I was more likely to flip first, hence they would get better position, but looking at game state, that would be never a case yesterday.

So it makes no sense.

Thanks for pointing out Maxwell tho, paradoxaly it’s a good sign

Tbh Geyde for some reason favored voting Andrej first before Lymph

It’s kind of strange now that I think back to it :thinking:

In my opinion, Jake should still be the lynch though.

Go ahead, I will vote my off wagons and iritate more people.

/vote Magnus

I keep forgetting to vote people.

/vote Jake

Vote Count

Magnus-Eevee [L-4]
Jake-HTM [L-4]

Day Ends in 30 hours

Why are you voting Magnus btw?

I want maxwell’s analysis. Until then, here’s this.

/vote maxwell