Black Flag Nightless-The Clock Struck Midnight-English Victory


Looks to be right

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Fair enough.

Itā€™s just that I think Jake is obv scum and lynching him rn makes us win

Can you convince me why jake is scum?

Like a 3-5 sentence summary on the basis of why jake is scum.

(you can ofc do more than that if you want)

The first number is what that is equivalent to in your time.
The second is referencing Marshalā€™s.
This actually references 2:59 P.M. on Wednesday, July 24th for you (sydney time).

as sydney is 15 hours ahead of chicago.

Correction: Melbourne

i was referencing the city referenced by the clock calculator

sydney is the biggest city that shares a time zone with melbourne.

Of course marshal likely doesnā€™t live in chicago. Itā€™s just the biggest city in CDT, so thatā€™s whatā€™s referenced by the clock.

First were these weird posts from Lymph on townlocking Jake:

And a ton more of them. Yes I do know that this could easily be framing Jake but Jakeā€™s posts on this were definitely questionable.

After a while Dat asks Jake some questions on Lymph:

(it is so big that I cant quote it all rip)

And then Jake creates this super big readlist which is definitely townie but waitā€¦ it completely ignores Lymph (distancing tactics :eyes:)

And when asked again by Dat he says this:

A null-read when they have like about a 100 or so posts which actually contained some content? Distancing intensifies

And sadly Im too lazy to quote the rest but you can get my read basically from this.

Yeah I dont live in chicago but It uses the same time zone so :man_shrugging:

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If anyone wantsā€¦ I can give the whole quotes and explain why this = scum.

same lol

you have an irish flag? . . .

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donā€™t ask

Luck of the midwestern american irish, amirite?

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When looking at his posts and interactions at a glance, they look pretty scum. the modslip shit from lymph and the null read on lymph both look pretty damn scummy seeing as those both relate to jake + lymph being a scumteam.

When looking deeper, however one might say that that this might be a curse inflicted upon jake.

For starters, if jake were really scum with lymph, it would be a really awful play to push this modconfirm shit. everyone in this game knows(or should know) that once 2 scum are dead, game is over. Lymphoma was calling jake 98% confirmed with 2 votes on them and the whole court wanting to take them out. If you think youā€™re class is gonna be revealed to everyone, would you really want to make your Scumbud directly associated with you?

Lymphoma could be doing some WIFOM shit but that seems like a reaaaaal risk to take.

Next I think the fact that jake had lymph as a null-read doesnā€™t automatically scream distancing. Scum could town-read their scumbuddy, making it seem like they werenā€™t distancing. Scum could scum-read and even vote their scumbuddy, making it seem less like distancing and more like a push.

At this point even though iā€™m 65% sure jake is town, I want jake to defend himself. If he is unwilling to do that, then thatā€™s his problem.

Honestly I wouldnā€™t put Lymph past that.

They do really weird plays like look at FoL 22 (They are named EOTW in that game btw)

i Knew lymph was EOTW

Same pfp and country. yeah they did some weird as fuck plays for sure

Claimed alch, fakeslipped as fool, then claimed nk d3, and then flipped warlock