Black Flag Nightless-The Clock Struck Midnight-English Victory


  • Marshal[I know my class and have read my classcard]

Heavy Town lean:

Slight town lean:

  • Dat Birb[Has consistenly worked towards the goal of sussing people out and getting people to talk. Generally good for the court, but might be a scum who is playing well]
  • Lymphoma[Good nature, has given thoughts consistently, Still has said some weird things and come to the defence of some weird players]
  • Geyde [Helpful to the court and a clear expert. Not afraid to defend someone who they thing shows town-like tendancies]


  • HTM[One that many people sus on, However, they seemed town to me early on but that has slowly receded as the game has gone on]
  • Magnus[The first person i singled out for being potential evil, After seeing how they acted as town/scum in other games, have moved this to neutral]
  • Jake[Started quietly, but has picked things up and is now actively sussing people out. Time will tell on this one]

Slight Scum lean:

  • Eevee[I originally thought that eevee was much more sus, but the keyboard reason has bought some time and now that eevee can type we will see if eevee really is scum or just unlucky town]
  • Wazza[Made some funny comments to start, radio silence since then except to pop in for a comment or two]

Hard scum lean:

  • Andrej [Came in 36 hours in making an offhand comment or two, and an early vote. After that, decided to form a scumteam in their head of me, jake, lymphoma. They then decided to pick up a wagon on me in the first hour, likely trying to get the target off of themselves and on to town]

Scum Lock:
Kai: The true enemy


I haven’t read like anything.


I did but i just combined them with townleans when realitically they were about the same level of towny


This is literally how I play, y’all are American and I have school/sleep 24/7. Yesterday I was barely online as I had sports day and got a mad fucking sunburn.

Ia ccept i loled

I’m sorry but.

What are you even on about?

Doesnt enought to unvote you tho

If you are town yoh would be read the game kido

You are really fucking annoying me-


I want you to redo ALL reasoning on your tier list from WHAT has happened to WHY it happened.

Like saying “radio silence” is a fact, and we don’t scumread on this forums for facts, but for reasoning behind it.


You are me

It’s a [Slight] scumelean. Having heard nothing from you, the idea manifests more that you could be evil. This is one of the most easily swayed ones, IMO.

Fuck this, I’m out.

Fuck you dude wtf

Sorry that wa smean

Like whatdoya mean?

I deal with facts and logic here.

They still haven’t said why btw.

so factually why did people do things not what they did

I really can’t deal with this shit right now. I’m pissed off enough as it is but you providing an EXTERMELY INVALID reason to scumread me.

Unlike you, Marshal actually posted a pretty okay reason, and I was perfectly fine with that.

But your reason just seems like a terrible way to force the Town onto someone else, or perhaps create a fake distance. As what I’m thinking right now is that you are scum and once you are lynched, people will believe that this was distancing away from me. And you know what? I’m not going to fucking stand for that.

Alright im on it