Black Flag Nightless-The Clock Struck Midnight-English Victory



I would prefer if you inned, if we get enough players i’ll look for a co-host.

Damn it.
If +10 players I’ll /cohost

bump, we’re about halfway full!

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/in First forum match, tell me if im doing this right




Wants to in because British but also wants to Co-Host because British co-host is hilarious and I can be a dick to everyone

you know what.
/co-host unless this doesn’t get close enough to filling, yes I’m stealing Magnus’ slot

/in just bcz nobody because I can’t find a danganronpa game

prefer an in, you know how mountainous games can be with filling

Is that a challenge for me to host a Danganronpa Game?


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Danganronpa 2: Electric Boogaloo

Coming Soon.

:hushed::dizzy_face::dizzy_face::dizzy_face::dizzy_face::dizzy_face::dizzy_face: …is this real? (please yes)

I mean.

It was already in the works.

I’ve already hosted a Danganronpa game before.

So this one would be with the Danganronpa 2 characters.

Yeah, I know about the latest Danganronpa game you hosted.

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No. I already staked my claim.