Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

/Hands Down DirectorHail
This cannot be demon unless we have experienced a dumb moderror.

Also, one more fact:

Isaac was softing his role in thread BEFORE he claimed it to me and before he knew there is cc.

Magnus is most likely lying if thatā€™s the case.

Possessed is trying to clear Magnus due to asociation with Maxwell, asociation which doesnā€™t exist.
That is a red flag for me.

Nominating someone random from outside of all thunderomes is a bad thing as well.

Not clearing, but if DH is Butlerā€¦then Simon HAS to be drunk. I believe Kyo legit isnā€™t the drunk, and my abilities havenā€™t malfunctioned.

If DH is Butler, we have a guaranteed Baron and guaranteed Drunk. It also limits the last minion to a 50/50. The demon is uninformed, Eevee.

Youā€™re not steering this court in the correct direction so somebody has to step up and think outside the box. You are 100% convinced there is a Spy, but you are also 100% convinced there is Baron. I say there isnā€™t both.

If you want to make the safer play, we hang Magnus and decifer from there. If he flips Baron, there is a Drunk; if he flips Soldier or Spy, its possible that there IS no baron and Scum team is Marshal/DH or DH is actually just Scarlet Woman.

Also if thereā€™s baron in play, there is still ONE fabled. We need to determine who that fabled is before we can gamesolve.

After much inner deliberation, Iā€™m thinking my theory that there isnā€™t is a spy is the correct oneā€¦which means there is a Baron and Magnus is either Baron or SW. Well find the demon later I guess.

/Hands Up Magnus

why am i being pinged for this

Faulty ping, apologies

/Hands up Magnus
I dont see anything wrong here lol. And from what eevee has said, Iā€™ll have to revaluate them

The one time I sleep in, this thread pops offā€¦ sigh

Nominations have closed as of an hour ago. Thankfully, no one nominated within that ā€œdead timeā€, so we donā€™t have any issues there. The outstanding nominations are as follows:

Isaac_Gonzalez has nominated Magnus.

Magnus has nominated Maxwell.

Maxwell has nominated Isaac_Gonzalez.

Eevee has nominated Possessed.

Possessed has nominated Simon.

Contrary to popular belief, DirectorHail was not successfully nominated, as Possessed had previously nominated Simon.

You have twenty-four hours in which to cast your votes. Any votes not submitted before EoD will be defaulted to pardon.

angrily and disappointedly /hands down all

floats down from heaven slurping a milkshake
Hey guys, whatā€™s up? Gotta say, itā€™s really good up th-oh. Oh god.

Fair. I think I want Magnus more than Director right now anyways.

/Hands Down Possessed
/Hands Down Maxwell
/Hands Down Simon
/Hands Down Isaac
/Hands Up Magnus

My official list.

If it matters I confirmed Arete and Kyo not demon N1

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My gamesolve right now is
Wazza is Poisoner
Magnus is Spy
Isaac is Baron
Maxwell is the Imp

Definitely helps good sir, though I didnā€™t think either of them were that anyways.